
John Fanuzzi Profile

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USA R&D under Construction

Concrete Degradations








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Navrattan White Cement is a specially manufactured cement that has revolutionized the development of architectural concrete. The use of NWC provides many building and construction applications with a wide range of aesthetic and decorative opportunities.

In addition to offering great design flexibility, Navrattan White is a quality product that implants proven high early strength and performance.

Navrattan White Cement

      High Early strength development and shorter cycle times in pre-cast manufacture.

      Good mixing and blending capabilities means reliable strength combined with excellent bonding ability.

NavrattanCement White  uses its key features of whiteness and proven high early strength to deliver superior performance in the following uses:

      Architectural Color finishes in buildings, bridges, retaining walls/barriers etc.

      Pre-cast walls, columns, panels and floors

      Pre-cast blocks and pavers

      Colored mortars and render

      Decorative pavements and terrazzo

      Grout and tiling

      Pool finishes and furniture

      White Plastering

There is a much lower capitalization cost for plant equipment than traditional White Portland Cement.

No Heating of Limestone is required.

Simple process

Navrattan White Cement  is hydrophobic, which means water is less likely to penetrate as it does with OPC.

Better bonding – we use a proprietary polymer binder in all of our High Performance blends

      Excellent Workability

     Variable set times available

Better bonding than 100%  Portland based white cements

      Easy to color using normal pigments can be added = a wide color spectrum.  

     Color consistency - Rich and True pastel colors

HUGE Profit Margins for NWC