
John Fanuzzi Profile

Factory Layout

USA R&D under Construction

Concrete Degradations








Form Sys



We are in the business of bringing our technology and products to the world market. The cement industry is one of the largest industries and there has been and always will be a demand for cement products. We desire like minded investment partners to roll out our dream. We are in need of partners as Licensees to join us, provide jobs, and have fun making a living.  As stated in the Navrattan-USA page, we are looking for  pozzolanic waste minerals that can be turned into a cement without the need to clinker limestone and waste tons of energy. These materials have already been heated in a natural process as in volcanic ash  or as man-made byproducts such as slag and fly ash.  

Our first step is see if the location is feasible based comparing current cement prices to the available raw materials primarily Slag, Flyash, and Lime powder to see  first if there is an abundance and second to see what the deliveredcost of these materials would be.

We simple plug the numbers into our data sheet and in a very short time we can see if a license in the territory is viable and which products would provide the greatest profit margins.


If  you are interested we will enter into a preliminary agreement based on the line items on our term sheet. On of the things we have included is a major incentive for our master license holders. If you have located another potential licensee you can sell them a sublicense and you can partner with Navrattan and split the Licensing fees and Royalties. Our process is simple and motivating so that you can duplicate it yourself.  

Term Sheet

Data Sheet